On Friday April 28, Shaler Area High School proudly presents the 50th annual talent show! This year is bound to be a great performance after approximately 20 acts tried out for the show. Alongside the amazing acts, Mrs. Kristen Aluise and Mr. Scott Krenn, both teachers at the high school, are responsible for putting the show together.
Considering it is only the second show since the pandemic, the number of acts who came to tryouts is down from prior to the pandemic, however, the numbers have increased since last year and most likely will only continue to grow.
As the opening act, senior Ciarra Reese will be singing one of her favorite songs, “Goodbye Yellow Brick Road” by Elton John. Reese is very excited to perform one last time at the show.
“The talent show overall is such a fun experience and making a show with new and old friends is so much fun,” Reese said.
Throughout the show, two competitions will be featured—Mr. Shaler Area and Paul Schweiger Award.
Seniors who wish to participate in Mr. Shaler Area will compete with talent videos, karaoke, and formal wear. Additionally, donations will be collected at intermission for an audience vote and all donations will go to a charity of the winner’s choice. Anonymous judges throughout the crowd will make the final decision.
Not only will the winner obtain the prestigious title, but will receive prom tickets as well.
The Paul Schweiger Award carries great significance in the district. Before his passing, Mr. Paul Schweiger was a beloved teacher who ran the talent show. Created in his honor, this award is given to the student, performance, or crew member who best embodies the spirit of the talent show.
“The winners always exemplify what it means to be part of this talented group of students,” Mrs. Aluise said.
The show will be held on Friday, April 28 at 7 pm in the high school auditorium.