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Teacher Feature: Mr. Kevin Mosbacher

Teacher Feature: Mr. Kevin Mosbacher

For this week’s teacher feature, we interviewed a teacher from the health and Phys. Ed. department: badminton and bocce extraordinaire, Mr. Kevin Mosbcaher.


Q: What is the biggest difference between people from Meadville and people from Pittsburgh?

A: Meadville people are more in touch with the earth and more country in general. Obviously, Pittsburgh people are more city folk, but I grew up in Meadville being an outdoorsy guy and I still enjoy outdoor hobbies so I guess I stayed with my Meadville roots even though I moved to Pittsburgh. 

Q: What is the best concert that you’ve been to?

A: Steve Miller Band, 1990. It was at Star Lake. 

Q: Fattest moment?

A: Lots of them. Pick a holiday really. I overeat during most holidays, Thanksgiving especially. I’m not very good at buffets, I love them but I have no self-control so I try to avoid them. I’ve never been to Golden Corral but I love this Chinese buffet in Florida that I always go to. It has a sushi bar where I always overeat. 

Q:  What is your favorite student slang and could you use it in a sentence? 

A: Maybe when students talk about their fit. “How’s my fit today?” But again, I’m not very up on the lingo.

Q: Most impressive catch while fishing?

A: I love steelhead fishing. I caught a 12-inch Steelhead last Sunday and that was a big deal. But my biggest accomplishment was when I caught seven different varieties of fish on a fly-rod in the Beaver River in one day. 

Q: Most irresponsible purchase you’ve made?

A: I bought an expensive fishing rod and then 6 months later I knelt on it while in my kayak and snapped it. The purchase was not irresponsible, but I didn’t treat it well. 

Q: What was the first car you owned? 

A: My first car was a yellow 1982 Volkswagen Rabbit Diesel and my next car was a Mazda Rx-7. So yeah, it was a bit of an upgrade. Still I’ll stick a kayak on top of my sports car. 

1982 Yellow Volkswagen Diesel

Q: To you, what is the most rewarding part about being a teacher?

A: I just enjoy most of the kids. I enjoy seeing the growth and development of relationships with the students. 

Q: On the other side of the coin, what is the most frustrating part about being a teacher?

A: It’s definitely changed in the long time I’ve been here. Back when I started kids loved PE and they worked hard at it, but now it seems as though kids are afraid to work hard and give it their all in PE. 

Q: Being a Phys. Ed teacher, what’s the most entertaining game to watch students play?

A: Speedball is fun to watch, but my favorite unit to teach is badminton because I play with the kids and they have fun trying to beat me which doesn’t happen very often.  It’s been a couple years since a student beat me. 

Q: What’s a challenging aspect about being a parent that you weren’t prepared for?

A: I have four kids that range in age from 14 to 28 and they all still live at home. I kind of thought that after they went to college that they would move on, but I guess they like us so much that they want to stick around. 

Q: If Kevin Mosbacher has a free night to himself with no responsibility, what is he doing?

A: Either I’d go fishing or watch NCIS on TV. 

Q: What would you want your last meal to be?

A: I mean I haven’t had a bad pizza, so Frank’s Buffalo Chicken pizza along with Monte Cellos’ Steak and Ranch pizza are top contenders for my last meal. 

Q: If you could live somewhere that’s not Pittsburgh where would you live?

A: Either Florida or Alaska, but I don’t think I could live in either place for multiple years. I’d be one of those seasonal people that go to Florida for the winter or maybe Alaska for the summer.

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