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Teacher Feature: Officer Frank Spiker

Teacher Feature: Officer Frank Spiker

Q: If you could have any movie prop what prop would you want and why?

A: I would want the shark from Jaws because that’s my favorite movie. 

Q: What made you decide being a cop was the career you wanted.

A: It kind of fell in place, after college I had a political science degree; not much to do with that other than to go to law school. I served as an emergency dispatcher for five years with the township, and then got the job as police officer.

Q: If you could go back in time and change anything, what would you change?

A: I would have probably studied harder in school and have been a better student. You know that could lead to other things, further education and perhaps employment.

Q: What is the best concert you have ever been to?

A: Believe it or not, I think it was 1989. I was 19 and I had a chaperon. My younger sister and her friends wanted to see Bon Jovi. I was a 19 year old guy that wasn’t into that kind of music, I took those kids along with my older sister and it was a great show. It was really good and really fun, but I still like my Van Halen concerts.

Q: If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you want to travel?

A: I would like to go to Hawaii.

Q: What is your favorite song?

A: Van Halen, Summer Nights.

Q: Who is your favorite musical artist?

A:  Van Halen, Fleetwood Mac, Boston, Chicago: I grew up with those bands through the 80s and listening to that music. 

Q: What was your first car? 

A: My first car was a 1977 Chevy Impala station wagon, so that was like driving the Titanic.

1977 Chevy Impala Station Wagon

Q: What was your most irresponsible purchase, why?

A: I remember getting a dog for the kids once and this dog was so misbehaved. Luckily someone else took it after like a week. My kids were little, it would bite them. It was a Rottweiler, Dalmatian mix. Somebody I knew was getting rid of it and I brought it in with two kids, one and three.

Q: If you could be any star in any movie who would you be and what movie? Why?

A: Pirates of the Caribbean, Captain Jack Sparrow.

Q: Worst memory being a cop?

A: Unfortunately, we have to see people on their worst day, so there’s many of those.

Q: Best memory being a cop?

A: Getting some acknowledgement after helping somebody, like saying thank you.

Q: How long have you been a cop?

A: 28 years

Q: How do you handle “violent” events that happen?

A: There’s different tactics to use depending on the event. These get very stressful, but we have a good team. You rely on the help of others, whether that be our law enforcement partners outside of here, your school officials, you kids yourselves to to help with; you know evidence gathering and everything else. Get their identity and then get that investigated so we know we can put people at ease and vet that threat. If a violent event occurs in front of you, we’re going to keep everybody safe and healthy. The preparation is probably the biggest part.

Q: Why is preparation for violent events the biggest part?

A: Get folks to think for themselves, this may not be just a school thing. As we’ve see, it’s at the mall, could be a church. So if those ideas are planted and the person can keep themselves safe, that’s a big help with things. 


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