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Freya Skye’s music making good first impressions

Freya Skye's music making good first impressions

Freya Skye is a singer/songwriter based in the United Kingdom. She has always loved singing but didn’t start doing it professionally until Covid-19 hit and she started to do private lessons. She has a process to her writing as she always writes down something and how she wants the vibe of the song to be. She brainstorms and gets ideas from just talking to people in the studio but if her brain isn’t flowing, she’ll take a break until something creates a spark.

When her popularity was on the rise, she had to be home-schooled to make sure she could make everything fit into her schedule. She loves to be in the studio as it feels rewarding for her to be able to perform and produce. Her biggest inspiration is Gracie Adams and Fryea said she has Adams, Chappell Roan, and Charli XCX on her playlist to get her into the mood for song writing. She tries to be very versatile when it comes to her music while making it fun and relatable to her audience. Below are some of her songs that she has released and our thoughts on them.

Who I Thought I Knew by Freya Skye.

Who I Thought I Knew

This song feels like a teenage break up song. Almost everyone can relate to the fact that a breakup can feel like everything has ended because you spent so much time with this person who you no longer realize. She screams, “Cause I don’t miss us. I miss what I thought this was. It wasn’t love. You never cared. you’re a stranger underneath the mask you wear.” People compare to the things she says because when a breakup happens you reminisce on the good times and how things could’ve gone. She depicts how the human brain thinks when a bad moment happens and you’re just stuck with your thoughts. 

Loose my Head

The beat to this song gives off an upbeat pop song vibe with lyrics that are relatable to most people, especially younger generations. The basis I believe of this song is going crazy over someone’s actions of always getting what they want, when they want. Said person in the song seems to love attention and always tries to impress everyone, always needing others’ input; as said in the lyric “You like the attention, never learned your lesson. All the consequences, that’s all on you.” I really like the way Freya says in the song the said person experiences consequences by the way they act and seems to try and put that blame on someone else. I also really like the opening line “You’re a wrecking ball in a house of cards falling one by one.” I really believe this is impactful as it sums up said person as being a mess or a wreck in a calm setting, simply being the problem. Also, the beat of this song is enjoyable, and very danceable; her voice flows very well with the beat of the song, overall making this song a 10/10.  

Someone to Love

I really enjoy the slow pace of the song, giving off a calm and relaxing vibe. Freya’s voice on top of the beat of this song really flowed nicely. The meaning of the song is simply quite beautiful as the meaning I took in is to accept life on what happens and to grow and move on from whatever happened. We have to be like seasons when life rearranges as said in the line, “The seasons be changing and life rearranges, so that’s all we gotta do.” As humans we can never predict what happens in life and must accept what happens with someone we love and who loves us by our side to help us out essentially. Overall I give this song a 10/10, it had such a strong meaning, with a beautiful way to portray the meaning. 

Who Says

This song is a very self-appreciative song as it talks about how the person is a work of art and that when someone says something bad about you to ignore it because they are better than that. It is a very bubbly track that can be screamed out of the car window in the summer heat. The song speaks volumes about how people like to talk bad about others but we should shed it rather than indulge them. It is repetitive but it gets the point across that it doesn’t matter who says what, the person is still beautiful and smart.

Can’t Fake It

I really enjoyed the way the start of the song jumped right into the lyrics. The upbeat instrumental background gives off “summery warm weather” vibes in my honest opinion. It puts me and the other listeners in a happy, upbeat mood. The lyrics to this song are extremely relatable to a lot of young teenage girls as many experience a beautiful relationship that suddenly stops. She misses the old times they had and would look back at old pictures or texts; as said in the lyrics, “But I can’t stop myself from looking at that old picture. How did we go from that to not texting back?” The meaning of this lyric is showing how a connection so strong can suddenly stop with no reason, and Freya refuses to accept the hard reality. Overall, I give this song a 9/10, I would’ve liked to hear other lyrics not just the same repeated ones; but a very good song overall.

Walk Over

This is truly empowering as the message is to not let anything stop you from doing what you’re going to do. She says, “Lay the bricks and walkover. Make a wish and walk over. Look how quick you got over and now that river’s dry.” She talks about how nothing should let you get down from being happy and positive. She says it all with an upbeat rhythm and a high pitched scream that changes the pace to the chorus that is very satisfying. She makes it fun and just overall something you can happily scream to yourself to get hype and have a positive day. 

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