Dear Santa,
Dear Santa,
As you know this year has not been ideal, that is why we are writing this letter to you, in hopes that you can make our wishes come true. One thing that we really wish for is to be able to have a smooth transition back to school and eventually begin hybrid again which will lead to us all going back to school together. We never thought we would say this, but we really miss school and seeing my friends and teachers everyday. Another thing that we would really love is for winter and spring sports to happen. We are also wishing for the seniors to be able to have prom and graduation. We are hoping that you will help out and make that possible for this year’s seniors. We hope that somehow you are able to help the small businesses in our area as well. They really need support during this holiday season and we know it would bring a smile to many people’s faces. Lastly, it would be great if you could make sure that the less fortunate people in our community are able to have a safe and happy holiday. We know you might not be able to make all of our wishes come true, but we would appreciate any Santa magic this year.
The Oracle