Sadie Hawkins dance to be replaced with outdoor dance in May


Melanie Celender

Even as schools try to return to normal, there are still a copious amount of adjustments that have or will have to be made for the 21-22 school year. One adjustment Shaler Area has been forced into is deciding not to host the annual Sadies Hawkins dance this school year, which was normally held in February. With COVID-19 numbers still high and no way to predict if that will change this winter, a dance in the gym is not possible. Do not worry, the high school will not be without a second dance this year. In place of Sadie’s, the first Spring Fling will be held on Biles Field in May of 2022.

“The idea was since we can’t do Sadie’s in February, let’s have a May dance outside. So that is the plan,” said activities director Mrs. Mindy Thiel.

In September, the annual Homecoming Dance was held outside on Biles Field. Although there were a few bumps along the road, moving the dance to an outside venue was regarded as a success. Homecoming was a good experiment with an outside dance and with that experience to look back on, the school can plan for this one.

The idea was since we can’t do Sadie’s in February, let’s have a May dance outside. So that is the plan.

— Mrs. Mindy Thiel

The plan is to have the dance in early May, but the exact date is not certain yet with AP testing, concerts, and everything else going on around that time including prom at the end of the month. The theme for the dance as usual will be chosen by the juniors after the seniors pick the theme for prom (usually in January).

The reason it is so important to have this dance, aside from it being a fun and popular event for students, is that it is the last significant fundraiser for the junior class. It is essential for the class of 2023 to have an event like this to raise money as they’re somewhat behind in their fundraising efforts.

A main concern with this dance is the number of students who will decide to come after attendance at Homecoming lower than usual.

“In terms of Homecoming—we usually have 800-900; this dance we only had close to 700,” Mrs. Thiel said.

There are many reasons why students may not have attended this year. There is the COVID-19 concern, hesitance to try an outdoor event, the last minute guest announcement to seniors, etc. To plan better for this event and to encourage student attendance, juniors and seniors will be given more time in advance to invite their guests from other schools. There is hope that having Homecoming as a test of sorts, everything will run even better than it did at Homecoming.